TBW launches our new Custom bike program

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It’s been a while since anything really big has happened to us at the WORKSHOP. It is never really quiet at the shop but sometimes it’s a little uneventful. At least it seems that way to the public. On the backend however we’ve been very busy getting ready to launch a new vision we have for the shop. Firstly, we have partnered with Seven Cycles, Alchemy Bicycle Company, Stinner Frameworks, and VoHof Cycles in order to focus more attention on custom made US bikes. Secondly, we have taken over the building next to the shop and created a unique retail experience which allows us to work closely with customers to help them get a precision fit and design the bike of their dreams. Let us show you some of our dream bikes by clicking on the button below. Maybe something will inspire you too.

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In addition to our new vision, we are also offering our new consierge service for New Yorkers that don’t have a car but have room for a custom bike.  

“No cars, no time, no worries, we got this”


What drives us?


What is a Mountain Biker?